Thursday, August 24, 2023

Shri Masilamaneshwarar at Thiruvaduthurai

This temple is also known as Shri Gomuktishwarar Temple. It is one of the Saptasthana shiva temples of Kanjanur. It is situated on Mayiladuthurai-Kuttralam-Kumbhakonam route at a distance of 20 kms from Mayiladuthurai. It is very close to Thiruvalankadu. This is also one of the Padal Pethra Sthalam on the southern bank of river Kaveri. The temple is revered by Sambandhar, Appar and Sundarar in their hymns.

Siddha Thirumular and shaiva saint Thirumaligainayanar in this place. The old shiva math Thiruvaduthurai Adinam is situated in this place. 

Mulavar: Shri Gomuktishwarar, Shri Masilamaneshwarar

Devi: Shri Oppilamuliammai, Shri Atulyakujambal, Shri Abhaygujambal

Kshetra Vruksha: Peeple tree (in Tamil Padar Arasu)

Puranik name: Nandinagar, Navakotisiddhapuram, Arasavanam, Bodhivanam, Gokazhi-Gomukhi-Puram

About the temple:

This is an east facing temple with a three parikramas and a five tiered Rajagopuram. The vimanam (tower) above the sanctum sanctorum is Dwidal (two storied). The shiva linga is a swayambhu linga facing the east. Nandi is very huge. The present temple structure is about 2000 years old and was constructed by the chola kings. The stone inscriptions give an account of the work done by the various kings. Shri Ambika Devi is housed in a west facing shrine. The second, third and fourth parikrama are separated by huge walls. In the third parikrama, there is a separate shrine for saint Thirumular. The kshetra vruksha is very old and is said to be representing the Deva. In the temple complex we have the samadhi of Thirumular. 

Sthala Vinayaka is also known as Thunai (means guide or escort) Shri Vanda Ganapati (i.e. Ganapati who came as a guide or an escort for his mother Shri Parvati Devi).

In the prakara, there is an idol which depicts a cow discharging the milk on a shiva linga from its udder. The idol is known as Shri Gorupa Ambika. There is no Navagraha shrine in this temple. There is an idol of Shri Shanishwarar. There are three idols of Shri Surya at one place. To the right of Shri Shiva’s shrine we come across the shrine of Shri Tyagaraja and mother Shri Kamalambika. The processional deity is known as Shri Anaithuirundha Nayakar (Lord embracing the mother). But in idol Shri Shiva’s hands does not touch Shri Parvati Devi. The small Nandi is known as Shri Adhikar Nandi as abhishek is done for this Nandi. It is believed that Shri Shiva taught ashtamahasiddhi to Navakoti Siddhas including the siddha Bhogar at this place. 

Other shrines and deities:

Shri Vinayaka, Shri Muruga, Shri Nataraja, Shri Dandapani, Sage Agastya, Shri Lingodbhavar, Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu, Shri Durga Devi, Panchalingam, Chozhalingam, Shri Bhairav, Shri Shanishwarar, Shri Surya, Shri Chandra, Shri Saraswati Devi, Shri Haradatta Shivacharyar, Shaiva saint Shri Maraidnyanasambandhar, Shri Umapati Shivam, Shri Meykandar, Shri Arul nidhi Shivam, Sixty three Nayanmars, Nalavar, Shri Adi Gomuktishwarar is in a corridor. These idols are found in the corridors and the koshtam. At the entrance of Shri Shiva’s shrine, we have Shri Vinayaka and Shri Muruga. It is stated that they escorted Shri Parvati Devi to this shrine when she was in a form of a cow. 

Kshetra Purana:

Kshetra puran: Once in Kailash, Shri Shiva and Shri Parvati Devi were playing a game of dice. Shri Shiva lost the game and Shri Parvati Devi laughed at him. He got angry and cursed her to become a cow and roam in the Bhooloka. Shri Parvati Devi became upset and felt sorry for leaving her husband. She asked for forgiveness and for atonement so she can reunite with her husband. He stated that at one place she will regain her normal form and he will join her. She came to Bhooloka and reached the southern bank of river Caveri. At Thiruvaduthurai, she found a Shiva-linga and started worshiping by performing abhishek with milk. Shri Shiva who was pleased by her devotion restored her to her original form and embraced her. This place where Shri Shiva gave mukti to the cow is known as Shri Gomuktishwaram and Shri Shiva is known as Shri Gomukteshwarar. The greatness of this place is stated in the Kshetra puran by citing a number of instances. 

Once Shri Parvati Devi asked Shri Shiva "everyone worships you for getting a boon; is there anyone who worships you without expecting anything". Shri Shiva showed a Shiva-linga below a Bilva tree. A monkey on the tree was plucking leaves one by one from the tree and dropped it on the Shiva-linga playfully. The day happened to be a Shiva-ratri. The Lord who was pleased by the monkey’s act and transformed him into a Chakravarti, granting him the boon to rule all the three worlds. 

The king requested that he would like to have a monkey face and would like to live with the thought of Shri Shiva. The Lord granted him his wish and the king was named as Muchugandha. Once Muchugandha went to assist Shri Indra along with his eight brothers to defeat the demon king Valasura. Shri Indra, pleased by his help, requested him to ask for anything as a token of his gratitude. During this period, Shri Indra was indulging in various enjoyments and had neglected the worship of Thyagesa idol given to him by Lord Shiva. So Shri Shiva advised Muchugandha to ask for that idol from Shri Indra. Shri Indra, who was not ready to part with it, prepared six identical idols and kept them together. Shri Shiva cautioned Muchugandha the same night about Shri Indra’s intention and instructed him how to identify the real idol. When Indra showed the seven Vidanga idols, Muchugandha identified the real idol and Indra gave all the seven idols to the king. The real Tyagesha was installed at Thiruvarur. Later, the king established them at six other locations. Later, one night, Shri Shiva appeared in the dream of Muchugandha and bade him to proceed to Thiruvaduthurai and rule the kingdom from there. The king ruled from Thiruvaduthurai and became a famous and great ruler.

The procession deity is known as Shri Anaithuerundanayakar (the Lord who embraced his wife) but we don’t find the idol embracing Mother Shri Parvati Devi. 

Shaiva sage Sambandar stayed at this place with his father. He helped his father to conduct a yagna with the grace of Shri Shiva when they had no wealth (at Sirkazhi). The Balipeeth (seat) where the Lord bestowed wealth on him exists in the temples with the ganas around the peeth (seat). 

One of the Nayanmars, Thirumaligaithevar was worshiping the Lord at this temple for a long time. Due to some misunderstanding, the king sent his army to arrest him. On Shri Ambika Devi’s request, Shri Shiva sent an army of Nandis from the temple and drove away the king’s army. Then all these Nandis merged to form one huge Nandi. You can find the Nandi idol in this temple today. It is considered to be very auspicious to pray to this Nandi. During pradosh kaal, abhishek is conducted on this huge Nandi idol. 

One of the Shiva yogis, Sundarnadar came from Kailash to meet Sage Agastya in the South. He found a cowherd named Mulan lying dead on the ground. The cows were standing in a circle around him and were shedding tears. With his yogic powers, the Shiva yogi entered in the body of the cowherd and drove the cows back to his house. He came back to this place and did penance. Later, the Shiva yogi came to be known as Thirumoolar. He wrote three thousand divine hymns and merged with the Lord in his shrine. The shrine for Lord Tyagesha with mother Shri Kamalambika is on the right side of the Lord’s shrine. It is believed that Shri Shiva taught Ashta-Mahasiddhis to Navakoti siddhas including Bogar. There are separate shrines for Tirumalagaidewar and Namahshivayamurtiswamigal.

Special features:

Shri Shiva performed his Mahatandav at this place. It is known as Sundar Natanam. 

Kshetra vruksha (peeple tree) is very old. It is revered as representing the Devas. It is believed that Shri Shiva emerged from under this tree and blessed Devas. 

Shri Vinayaka escorted his mother to this place. 

Shri Parvati Devi is depicted as Shri GorupaAmbika. 

It is believed that the Navakotisiddhas including Bhogar performed the penance at this place. They were taught the ashtamahasiddhis by Shri Shiva. It is a unique temple where the chera king Cheraman Perumal and Chola king KochengetCholan and Pandya king Vikram Pandyan have worshiped Lord at this place.

Shri Yama worshiped Shri Shiva at this place. Shri Shiva blessed him and gave him the honor of taking the place of his mount rishabh at this place. 


Women pray here for well being and longevity of their husbands. 

Estranged couples pray here for their union.

People pray for a child boon. 

People pray for removal of wedding obstacles


Purattasi (September-October): Brahmostav

Aipassi (October-November): Annabhishek

Margazhi (December-January): Thiruvathirai 

Maasi (February-March): Mahashivaratri

Thai (January-February): Rathasaptami festival for five days

Besides this, regular pradosha puja and daily worship is done.

Temple timing: 7 to 12 and 4 to 8

Addres: Shri Gomuktihswarar Temple, Thiruvaduthurai Post, Kuttralam Taluka, Nagapattinam District, Tamil Nadu 609803

Telephone Number: 91-4364232021, 4364232055

Courtesy: Various websites and blogs

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