Thursday, January 29, 2015

Surya Yantra and Surya Worship

In our country (the great Bharat), Surya worship was prevalent from good old days. The Temple at Konark is an example. In this temple there was a Surya Yantra which was sculptured by Rishis according to Yantra shastra.

Surya Yantra is very powerful yantra. It was made taking into consideration the yantra shashtra, the main Peethas of the Aadi-devata & Navagraha devatas. These are incorporated in the yantra in the form of triangles, circles & rose petals. We find these sculptures in the yantra at various Surya temples.

At present there is a Surya temple near Kumbhakonam in Tamilnadu where we come across this Surya yantra.

Details about Surya Yantra

There is small circle at center of yantra which is considered as the place of chaya & maya. There is a dot at the center which is supposed to be the energy point of Sun. Surrounding the circle there are 6 triangles which are considered as the abode of the Gods – Mahaganapati, Rudra, Ambika (devi), Vishnu, Dakshinamoorti & Maruti. Surrounding these triangles there are 3 circles. Within the next circular path there are 8 lotus petals. They are considered as the petals of Ashtadikpals (guards of eight directions) namely Eshana, Indra, Agni, Yama, Niruthi, Varun, Vaayu & Kuber. Surrounding these there are 4 circles. Within the next adjoining circular path there are 12 lotus petals. They represent 12 rashis namely – Mesha, Rishabha, Mithun, Karka, Sinha, Kanya, Thula, Vrishachik, Dhanu, Makara, Kumbha, Meena. They also indicate 27 stars associated with these rashis. Beyond this circular path there are 2 more circles.

Thus there are 9 circles which indicate path of planets. The Surya yantra is used for Navagraha worship. In the colored design of this yantra (in the picture above) we come across that they are identical to the colors in the white ray of the Sun when it splits.

This yantra can be drawn on a paper and used for meditation purpose. Hang the colored picture given below on a wall at eye level. Sit in front of this wall about 2 feet away from the wall. Then concentrate on the center point of yantra & recite the mantra or the shlokas given by your Guru or follow the procedure for meditation as taught by the Guru. When we start concentrating the point at center of the picture we may feel that the colors, circles & other drawings in the yantra may be moving around. It is the belief the meditation performed in this manner increases concentration, control over the mind, memory and will power etc.

Surya Namaskar

As stated earlier Surya Namaskaar is one of the methods of worshiping Sun god. It can be performed by yoga or worshiping by offering Arghya and reciting the mantras.

After taking bath early in morning, just at time of sunrise facing the east, we recite the surya gayatri 3 times which is the 1st step towards Surya namaskar.

Mahatvidhikaraye dheemahi
Tanno adityaya prachodayat

We recite the following mantra which was given as upadesh to Shri Rama by Sage Agastya.

Om Dinakaraya Bhaskaraya
Surya narayan devaaya
Namo namaha

Then offer Arghya by reciting following mantra.

Om Mitraya Namah
Om Ravaye Namah
Om Suryaya Namah
Om Bhanave Namah
Om Khagaya Namah
Om Pushne Namah
Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah
Om Marichaye Namah
Om Adityaya Namah
Om Savitraye Namah
Om Arkaya Namah

After performing Surya Namaskar in above manner, we recite following shlokas to pay our respect to Navagrahas.

Nama suryaaya somaay
Angaarakaay budhaayach
Guru shukra shanibyascha
Raaghave ketave namah.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Benefits of giving alms

Giving alms is considered as a divine act. It is an act of showing gratitude towards God for all good things of life. Havan or yagya is also an act of showing gratitude where we offer things such as ghee, honey etc to God of Fire. Performer of these acts accrues benefits as well. Shastras categorize benefits as per type of alms. Some of the benefits are listed below –

Sr No
Type of alms
Anna (Food)
Eradication of poverty, debts
Vastra (Clothes)
Increase in life span
Bhu (Land)
Will have darshan of brahmalok and vision of God
Putra bhagya (Birth of son)
Will get rid of debts to rishi, God & ancestors (Pitru)
Will help in getting enlightenment
Deep (Lamp)
Gets rid of sins
Gets rid of diseases
Gets rid of sorrow
Helps in improving relationship between husband and wife
Karyasiddhi (Fruition of work)
Intelligence & siddhi prapti
Gets rid of curses (Pitrudosh)
Gets rid of mental worries

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Worship of God

We perform the worship of almighty by giving him various forms naming them Shiva, Ganesh, Devi, Karthikeyan, Vishnu and so on. We decorate them with flowers and ornaments (Alankar) so that they become attractive. We offer them naivedya. Worship is a way to exhibit our gratitude, love, respect towards God. Through such worship we develop the love for God. In our Hindu religion we also come across worship of Gods in “Yantra Roop”. We prepare metallic plates (of Silver or Copper or Gold), emboss them with the figure of God and other figures which involves secrets of Mathematical calculation & scientific reasoning. Their worship also involves Abhishek, Alankar, Avahan, etc.

Generally speaking any worship with idol or yantra or photo can be divided into 10 parts

  1. Puja Shuddhi (Purification)
  2. Dhyaan
  3. Aavahan
  4. Alankar (Upachar)
  5. Archana or Abhishek (Pooja)
  6. Naivedya (Aradhana))
  7. Aarti with camphor, dhoop or with a Jyoti
  8. Prarthana
  9. Yathasthanam
  10. Mangala Aarti

The place where the puja is to be performed should be cleaned and washed. Then we draw Rangoli and light the lamp. The person who is going to perform the Puja has to take bath, wear fresh clothes, apply the sacred ash or wear other sacred symbols. This part is known as Puja Shuddhi. Then we clean the idol or photo or yantra and place them in proper position. Then we sit for performing the pooja on Aasan (or wooden plank preferred). We recite mantra and  shlokas while performing this act. Then we pray to the deity to come and bless us) i.e. we recite the mantras for example “Shri MahaGanapatimAwahayami” which means we request the Lord Ganesha to come to our place of worship. Then we do the Alankar by applying Sandal paste or place the flowers or wreath. Then we do the Archana (Abhishek) by reciting various names (namavali 10 or 108 or 1008 times) with flowers. Then we offer Naivedya (e.g. Milk with sugar, fruits, etc.). Finally we perform Aarti with Dhoop, Deep and Camphor. At the end of prayer we do Prarthana.

At the end of puja we take leave of the deity by saying “Yathasthanam Pratishtapayami”. In some parts of India, there is a practice of saying goodbye with Mangalarathi i.e. aarti performed with Kumkum water on a plate.

Before we start any puja we have to arrange things in certain order which are stated below -

  1. On the left of (in front) photo or idol we have to keep Dhoop plate.
  2. On the right side (in front) place the plate in which we light the Camphor
  3. On the left place the fruits & on the right place the Naivedya. Wash the fruits before offering them for Puja
  4. Next day the left over tirtha (water) should be poured to plants or trees
  5. The photo, idols & table etc. (Puja articles) should be cleaned daily/at least once a week.
  6. Small lamp (Samai) should be cleaned daily and large one can be cleaned once a week
  7. Shloka & stotras should be recited loudly while performing the puja vidhi. It is for benefit of one and all that all the members be present during the Puja and participate in the recital.

Above points are also applicable for daily worship.

Hope this article gives an idea of one of the methods in our worship.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Story of Bhimashankar

Bhimashankar is one of the 5 jyotirlingas located in Maharashtra. It is located in Sahyadri hills, about 125 km from Pune, in Maharashtra. 

According to Shiva Purana a demon named “Tripura” performed severe penance. All the Devas were disturbed by his penance & felt that he (Tripura) may become all powerful if he receives the boons he wished. They approached Devendra, who tried to stop the penance of Tripura. Before Indra could achieve this, Tripura had already conquered the Anger, Ego, lust, greed, envy etc by his tapas. Indra and gods approached Brahma for help. Assuring them of help Brahma came to the place where Tripura was performing his tapas. He offered his blessings to Tripura and granted him boons namely -   1) He will not be killed by Devas or Asuras or Yakshas etc. 2) He should get the power to travel to all worlds through air and water. 3) There should be nothing in the world that he cannot conquer including Indra and Amaravati. Besides granting 3 boons Brahma also gave one more on his own that he will be killed only when a person pierces his (Tripura) 3 sides with a single arrow.

Once Tripura was bestowed with these boons, he started troubling one and all, disturbed yagnas and insulted Brahmins. Hence the Rishis and Devas along with Indra started a penance to please Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva told Indra that if he performed Tapascharya at the foot of Sahyadri hills in front of his jyotirlinga, he will help in killing Tripura. When Indra was able to please Shiva by his tough penance, Shiva promised Indra to kill Tripura in 7 days.

Shiva appeared as big giant person mounted on his vehicle Nandi, with Trishul, drum (Damaru) and surrounded by his Devaganas, along with yoginis (Dakini and Shakini). At this juncture he resembled as one of the Pandava brothers namely Bhima. Hence Lord Shiva got the name Bhimashankar. He was able to kill Tripura and at the request of Devas and Rishis he stayed and thenceforth called Bhimashankar.

The temple at this place is very old dating back to several hundred years. The great Maratha king Chatrapati Shivaji is said to have made endowments to this temple for maintenance and worship. The Peshwa minister Nana Phadnavis is said to have done rebuilding of Shikhar of this temple.

The river Bhima has origin here. According to the legend during the war between Tripura and Bhimashankar, the sweat flowed from the body of Bhimashankar and formed the river Bhima. Parvati as Gauri came to the aid of Shankar during the war, mounted on Lion, she killed Tarakasur in the fight. The Devas and Rishis worshipped her with lotus flower and hence she is worshipped here as “Kamalaja”.

Shakini, Dakini and Shivaganas, who helped Shiva on the battle against demons, are also honored and worshipped here. 

The Mokshakundatirtha is behind Bhimashankar temple and it is associated with Kaushik Rishi who worshipped the lord here. Besides this there are 2 more tirthas namely Sarvatirtha, Kusharanya tirtha and Jnyanakund. The river Bhima starts flowing towards east from Kusharanya tirtha.

Mahashivaratri and Mondays in Shravan month are considered as most important days for worship of Lord Shiva here.