Thursday, November 30, 2017

Navagraha temples - Shani

Information about Shani (Saturn) graha

Temple Information:
Village Location: THIRUNALLAR, Tamil Nadu 609607, India
Historical/ Scriptural Name: DARBHARANYESHWARA (Darbha + Aranya + Ishwara)

How to reach the Temple:
It is on the highway between KUMBHAKONAM and KARAIKAL. The temple is 25 kms from NAGAPATTINAM by road.

History of Shani Graha Temple:
According to Scriptures, Brahma, after having created the world, went around to tour it. When he came to this forest (Aranya) full of Durbha, he was enchanted by its beauty and performed a penance and worshiped a SwayamBhu*1 Shiva Lingam*2.

The Lord appeared and explained to Brahma the inner meaning of Vedas and taught him other shastras. Brahma stayed in this place for a long time worshiping Shiva-Parvati and built temples for them. Brahma created Brahma Teerth and Saraswati created Vani Teerth. Indra, AshtaDikPal (eight directions) and the sacred swan (Hansa) established their own Shiva Lingam and worshipped.

Nomenclature: Because Brahma worshipped at this place long ago, the place is known as AadiPuri (Aadi = Beginning, Puri = City). As, the sacred grass Durbha (not Durva used in Ganesh Puja) was abundant, this place was called DurbhaAranyam. Because Nala had also worshipped here, the place used to be called Nallar and Shiva here called Nalleshwara.

*1 SwayamBhu: Not created by human hand or touched by chisel; Swayam = Self and Bhu = Be, SwayamBhu = Be by self.

*2 Shiva Lingam Worship
Shiva = Cosmic Reality (Form) created by AadiParaShakti (Aadi = Beginning, Para = Beyond and Shakti = Energy) ie Paravati. AadiParaShakti = Energy beyond beginning (of matter), The Essence/ Truth (state of no matter, only energy). Energy, in and of itself cannot be perceived without a Form. Therefore AadiParaShakti created Cosmic Reality to manifest itself. 
Lingam = Leen (Become One With) + Gamya (navigable), Lingam = To navigate and become one with. Thus Shiva/ Shiva Lingam worship is a way of becoming one with the Cosmic Reality/ AadiParaShakti (Truth). Shiva, by Himself cannot do anything without AadiParaShakti. Same is true for AadiParaShakti. Therefore, The ArdhaNariIshwara manifestation (Advaita in the Dwaita) is THE (fundamental/ eternal) TRUTH.

History of Shani Graha:

Sun had one wife called Sanchika (Usha Devi). He had two sons from her, namely Vaivastamadhu and Yama and a daughter named Yamuna. Because Sanchika could not bear the heat of the Sun, she made Chhaya Devi from her shadow and asked her to stay with Sun-god and she went to her father’s place. The father reprimanded her and asked her to go back to her husband. Because of fear of her husband, she went to North Pole and started doing penance in the form of a horse (mare). Chhaya Devi bore two sons, namely Savarni (Manu) and Shani and a daughter, namely Bhadra.

Chhaya Devi used to trouble Yama, son of the first wife Sanchika. Yama kicked Chhaya Devi and she cursed him to become lame. When Sun-god came to know of this, he cured Yama’s lameness; he came to know about the story about Chhaya and Sanchika; he went to North Pole to bring back Sanchika (therefore Surya Deva is Uttarayana here) and upon return lived with two wives.

Because of the anger of Yama (stemming from the treatment from Chhaya Devi), Yama kicked her son Shani and thereby Shani became lame. Sun-god granted a boon to Shani to become a Graham. Shani went to Kashi and performed penance to attain strength.

Importance of Shani Graha:
He is the Lord of Makar (Capricorn) and Kumbh (Aquaries) rashi/ zodiac, by Moon (Sun) based astrology. He is exalted  in Tula (Libra)  and Neech in Mesh (Aries).

He decides life span. He is responsible for an individual’s service, fear from disgrace and disrespect, coveting sleep and killing of living beings. He controls Nerves, Skin, Hair, Nails Intestine, Teeth and Joints.

He oversees 3rd, 7th, and 10th houses. When he is in 12th, 1st, and 2nd of Chandra rashi (i.e. where moon is placed), the period is known as SAADESAATI. It lasts for 7.5 years. He stays in each rashi for 2.5 years.

Shani Mahadasha is for 19 years.

Nivritti (Absolution) from Shani Dosha:

It is through SHANI Upasana which one can do by one and/or all of the following ways:
1) Worship Hanuman
2) Recite Hanuman Stotra
3) Recite Shani Stotra
4) Read Shani Mahatmya on Saturdays
5) Fast on Saturdays (avoid taking salt on Saturday)
6) Perform Shani Mantra jaap
7) Donate black til (sesame seed), black cloth, a piece of nail (iron), a blue flower (blue gokarna flower) and light a lamp with a piece of black cloth as wick and using til or sesame oil in a temple.

NavaGraha Aspect/ Characteristics Summary – Shani (Saturn):

Navagraha Aspect
Neela Devi
Cloth color
Black/ Blue
Crow (Raven)
Presiding Deity
Blue Sapphire
Body Part
Black Seasame
All Seasons
Graha deities face this direction
Blue Gokarna
Kshetra vruksha (tree)
Durbha/ Kusha Grass
Week day

Rangoli for Shani Graha
To be drawn when worshiping Saturn god

Mantra for Shani Graha:
Below is mantra for Saturn god. 

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Circumambulation of a temple or idol or mountain is called as Pradakshina. When it is done around a temple, situated on a mountain, it is known as Giri-Pradakshina or Giri-Valam. Performing Pradakshina is considered to be beneficial and culmination of a worship or a ritual. In Puran we come across, the greatness of Pradakshina when Lord Ganesha went around the parents i.e. performed a Pradakshina and got highest benefit. This can also be considered as a Giri-Valam as the parents were seated in mount Kailash.

Typically the Pradakshina is done bear feet. Generally the Giri-Valam is done with hill on the right side. i.e. clockwise. Shri Raman Maharshi explained the meaning of Pradakshina in following manner. "PRA" - stands for removal of all kinds of sins,  "DA" – stands for fulfilling the desires of a person, "KSI" – stands for freedom from future births, "NA" – stands for giving deliverance through gyana.

The following benefits were enumerated by Shri Raman Maharshi.

By walking one step in Pradakshina, one gets happiness in the world. By walking two steps, gives happiness in heaven. Walking three steps gives, bliss of SatyaLoka which can be attained.

It is stated in Purans that doing Pradakshina in certain Shiva temples in South India gives benefits more than that of performing Ashwamedha yadnyas.

One should go around in silence (mauna) or meditation (dhyan) or japa (naamsmaran) or doing bhajan. This makes us think of the Lord all times. It is stated once should walk slowly like a woman in ninth month of pregnancy.

People perform Giri-Valam at Girnaar in Gujraat, Arunachala mountain at Tiruvannamalai and at a number of other places like Harharishwar and Ganapatipule in Maharashtra, Shrisailam in Andhra Pradesh and Pakshitirtha (Tiruparmkundram) in Tamil Nadu.


देऊळ, मूर्ती किंवा ज्या पर्वतावर देऊळ आहे अशा पर्वताला पायी फेरी मारणे ह्याला प्रदक्षिणा म्हणतात. जेव्हा पर्वताला, ज्यावर देऊळ आहे, त्याला प्रदक्षिणा घातली जाते तेव्हा त्याला गिरीप्रदक्षिणा किंवा गिरीवलम असं म्हणतात. प्रदक्षिणा हे एक पुण्यकारक कर्म आहे. पुराणांमध्ये प्रदक्षिणेची महती आपल्या सर्वांना माहिती असलेल्या श्री गणेशाच्या कथेतून कळते. जेव्हा भगवान शंकर आणि माता पार्वतींनी आपल्या दोन मुलांमध्ये पृथ्वी प्रदक्षिणेची स्पर्धा घोषित केली तेव्हा श्री गणेशाचे बंधू श्री कार्तिकेय पृथ्वी प्रदक्षिणेसाठी त्वरित निघाले. पण श्री गणेशांनी विचार केला की आपलं विश्व म्हणजे कैलास पर्वतावर बसलेले आपले मातापिताच आहेत आणि हा विचार करून त्यांनी आपल्या मातापितां भोवती म्हणजेच कैलाश पर्वतालाच प्रदक्षिणा घातली. श्री गणेशाच्या ह्या कृतीमुळे त्यांनी अर्थातच प्रदक्षिणा आपल्या बंधूच्या आधीच पूर्ण केली. शिव आणि पार्वती श्री गणेशावर प्रसन्न झाले आणि त्यांनी श्री गणेशाला विजेता म्हणून घोषित केलं. ह्या गोष्टीतून प्रदक्षिणेचं आणि मुख्यतः गिरिप्रदक्षिणेचं महत्व प्रदर्शित होतं.

विशेषतः प्रदक्षिणा ही अनवाणी केली जाते. साधारणतः पर्वताभोवतीची प्रदक्षिणा ही पर्वत उजवीकडे धरून म्हणजे घड्याळाच्या काट्यांच्या फिरण्याच्या दिशेने केली जाते.

श्री रमण महर्षींनी प्रदक्षिणेचा अर्थ फार छान सांगितला आहे. “प्र” हे अक्षर सर्व प्रकारच्या पापांचं क्षालन दर्शवतं, “” अक्षर सर्व कामनापूर्ती दर्शवतं, “क्षि” अक्षर जन्म मृत्यूच्या फेऱ्यातून मुक्ती दर्शवतं, तर “णा” हे अक्षर ज्ञानप्राप्ती होऊन मोक्षसिद्धी दर्शवतं.

श्री रमण महर्षींच्या मते प्रदक्षिणेचे फायदे किंवा फळं अशी आहेत - प्रदक्षिणेच्या दिशेनं एक पाऊल चाललं की मनुष्याला जगातल्या सर्व आनंदांची प्राप्ती होते, दोन पाऊलं चालली की स्वर्गातल्या आनंदाची प्राप्ती होते, आणि तीन पाऊलं चालली की सत्यलोकातील आनंदाची प्राप्ती होते.

पुराणांमध्ये असं नमूद केलं आहे की दक्षिण भारतातल्या काही शंकराच्या देवळांभोवती प्रदक्षिणा घातल्यास अश्वमेध यज्ञ केल्यावर मिळणाऱ्या फळांपेक्षाही अधिक फळं मिळतात.

प्रदक्षिणा घालताना मौन व्रत पाळून ध्यान किंवा नामस्मरण करावं किंवा भजन करावं. त्यामुळे सतत परमेश्वराचं स्मरण राहतं. असं म्हणतात की नववा महिना लागलेल्या गर्भवती स्त्रीच्या चालण्याच्या वेगाने प्रदक्षिणा घालावी.

गिरीप्रदक्षिणा घालण्याची काही प्रसिद्ध ठिकाणं अशी - गुजरात मधील गिरनार पर्वत, तिरुवन्नमलै मधील अरुणाचल पर्वत, महाराष्ट्रामधील हरिहरेश्वर, गणपतीपुळे, आंध्र प्रदेश मधील श्री शैलम आणि तामिळनाडू मधील पक्षीतीर्थ (तिरुक्कळूकुंद्रम). 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Navagraha temples - Shukra

Information about Shukra (Venus) graha

Temple Information:
Temple Name: KANJANUR SHUKRA Temple
Village Location: KANJANUR, Tamil Nadu 609804, India
Historical/ Scriptural Name: SHREEAGNIPURISHWARA Temple
Deities: Lord Shiva is known as SHREEAGNIPURISHWARA (Shree + Agni + Puri + Ishawara) and Consort Parvati as SHREEKARPAGAMAMBAL (Shree + Karpagam + Ambal)

How to reach the Temple:
It is on the highway between KUMBHAKONAM and MAYILADUTHURAI. The temple is 17 kms from KUMBHAKONAM and about 3 kms from SURYANAR KOVIL by road.

History of Shukra Graha Temple:
According to Scriptures, Shukra (Shukracharya) was Guru of demons and had Sanjeevani mantra by which he would bring to life demon who had died in fight.

Once, Brahma performed penance at this place to see ShivaParvati in their wedding attire and for others to witness the glorious vision too. Because of this, the Shiva temple is to the right and Parvati temple is to the left.

Local folklore has it that sugarcane and honey were plentiful here – river of honey – therefore the name Kanjanur. It is further believed that AadiParaShakti (Parvati) created the TriMurtis (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh) at this place.

According to history, Chandra (Moon), Parashar Muni, Kansa (Lord Krishna’s maternal uncle) had worshipped Lord Shiva here. Hence, there are three separate Shiva-Lingams present here.

There are three Punya-Teerth or sacred ponds here – 1.Brahma Teerth created by Brahma, 2. Agni Teerth created by Agni and 3. Parash Teerth created by Parashar Muni. River Cauvery runs nearby and it is also considered a Teerth.

History of Shukra Graha:
According to Scriptures, Shukra is son of Bhrigu Rishi and his wife Pulomisha. When Shukracharya was performing penance to get Sanjeevani matra, Indra’s daughter Jayanti performed seva (service) to Shukracharya. After the birth of their daughter Devayani, Jayanti went back to Devalok.

Shukra got his name because of his (silver) light complexion. Shukracharya had obtained the Sanjeevani mantra from Lord Shiva by which he could bring to life the dead demons. Brihaspati (Guru of Devas) sent his son Kacha to learn the Sanjeevani mantra from Shukracharya. Kacha served Shukracharya with all his might and won over the hearts of Shukracharya and his daughter Devayani. Because of this, the demons killed Kacha and mixed his ashes in water and gave it to Shukracharya to drink. Because of Devayani’s insistence, Shukracharya got Kacha out of his stomach. In the process, the Sanjeevani mantra lost its power.

Shukracharya had three wives, one son and two daughters. He wrote a book (in Sanskrit/ North-Indian language) on law known as Shukra Neeti.

Shukracharya went to Kashi, performed penance and got a boon to become a Graham (Celestial Body).

Importance of Shukra Graha:
Shukra is a Shubha Graham. He is the Lord of Rishabh and Tula rashi/ zodiac (by Moon based astrology). He is very powerful in Meen and Kanya rashi/ zodiac. In Rigveda, he is known as God Vena. Generally Shukra Mahadasha comes only once in life and is for 20 years. Shukra is responsible for marriage. Shukra’s grace can remove infertility. His benefits can be felt in the months of November, December, March and April and also when he is in Rishabh, Tula and Meen rashi.

Nivritti (Absolution) from Shukra Dosha:
DeviUpasana is advised (prayer/worship of GajaLakshmi and/or RajRajeshwari). Also parayana (regular reading) of DeviMahatamya. Fasting on Friday and wearing of white clothes, use of white color lotus flower and white cloth in puja is also advised.

The sacred tree is Pipul/ Pimpla.

NavaGraha Aspect/ Characteristics Summary – Shukra (Venus):

Navagraha Aspect
Sukirti and Urjaswati
Cloth color
Horse/ Camel/ Crocodile
Presiding Deity
MahaLaks hmi
Body Part
Flat White Beans/ Lima Beans
Graha deities face this direction
White Lotus
Kshetra vruksha (tree)
Week day

Rangoli for Shukra Graha
To be drawn when worshiping Venus god

Mantra for Shukra Graha:
Below is mantra for Venus god.