Sunday, December 2, 2018

Siddhi and its meaning - II

Typically the following questions are asked regarding Siddhi:
  1. Do we acquire them at birth?
  2. How to obtain a Siddhi?
  3. Do they lose their effect (strength) if not utilized properly.
The answer to above questions have been gathered from lecture of Swamini Vasantananda in her book entitled 'Patanjali Yoga Tantra'.
When a Gyani reaches a state of total detachment it is known as KaiValya. This is considered as the final stage for yogis which helps them to attain certain Siddhis.

These Siddhis can also be attained at birth or by the grace of Lord or with the help of some herbs or doing Yagnya.

Patanjali YogaSutra states 5 different ways of attaining Siddhis.

1. Janma siddhi - this is obtained naturally at birth itself. Those who have this siddhi possess great strength in body and mind. This siddhi is a boon which continues for a number of births.

2. Aushadha Siddhi - this siddhi can be obtained to a very small extent by using certain herbs, drugs etc. For example, one can overcome thirst and hunger by using certain herbs. This we come across in a number of purans.

3. Mantra Siddhi - this siddhi is obtained by reciting certain mantras in the manner and number of times as stated in Shastras.

4. Japa Siddhi - to obtain this siddhi one has to do lot of penance with rigorous control over body and mind adhering to strict rules stated in Shastras.
By this siddhi, one first obtains total control over mind and organs. When further practice leads him to obtain desired siddhi.

5. SamadhiJa Siddhi - the name itself suggests the method. By controlling the mind and body to a highly elevated state in the spiritual path one obtains this siddhi.

The first 4 siddhis that are obtained are not permanent.

A person obtains them for a particular cause and particular period, hence they have to be used carefully i.e. only for the purpose for which it is given. If they are used improperly in a wrong way, they vanish.

Those persons who have lost the siddhi by incorrect use have to begin right from the start/beginning.

Hence the siddhis have to considered as a boon and it is essential to lead a pure life in order to preserve them.

For more details, please refer our earlier blog on siddhis.

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