Thursday, November 8, 2018

Ashrama Dharma

In the earlier article, we stated about various Dharma of an individual. Now we come to what is known as Ashrama Dharma. They are broadly classified into four
  1. Bramhacharya Ashram
  2. Grihastha Ashram
  3. Vaanprastha Ashram
  4. Sanyasa Ashram

1. Bramhacharya Ashram – This begins with learning under a Guru i.e. Vidhyabhyas. This involves living with respect to Guru, parents and pitrus. Practicing Bramhacharya, learning and performing Yoga, performing Sandhya vandan, reciting and learning Vedas according to the rule are the main aspects of this Ashram. It is stated that the Bramhachari has to partake food at Guru’s place or gruhasthi or has to subside on bhiksha (alms). 

2. Grihastha Ashram – The main aspects are as follows. Giving food to bramhachari, sanyasi and atithi (guest); enjoying the life (pleasures) according to the rules stated in Dharma; strictly following rules laid for grihastha (family man) i.e. to perform at least 6 important karmas – Snan, Sandhya, japa, homa, devata puja and Vaisvadevam. These are to be performed without fail by reciting or not reciting the respective mantras. Besides this he has also got to perform without fail - learning, teaching, giving alms, taking alms, performing yagnya, homa and doing it for the others. 

3. Vaanprastha Ashram – Staying away from all (in a forest) after the age of 60 with or without wife is stated as the Vaanprastha dharma. Here he has to perform Pooja and Upasana. It is similar to a life of an ascetic. 

4. Sanyasa Ashram- One can take sanyas at anytime in life. He can become a sanyasi after Bramhacharya or after Grihastha Ashram or after Vaanprashta ashram. Hence there is no age bar for the same. When a person attains, Poorna (complete and strong) Vairagya, he can take sanyas. Those who have taken sanyas, cannot indulge in cooking, perform homa, havan etc. He has to strive for obtaining more Vairagya and Holiness. For he has to perform only, japa, dhyan, upavas and thorough study and discussion of Vedantas. He has to eat by taking Alms from Grihasthas. He has to wear saffron cloths only. According to the laid down rules, he has to have shaven head or hair on his head with a beard. He has to practice ahimsa. He has to carry a Kamandalu (type of vessel) and Danda (a sacred staff). Those who do not carry a danda are called Sadhus. 

Courtesy to the lectures of His highness Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswati which appeared in a Tamil spiritual magazine.

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