Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ekadasi Vrat Story

As mentioned in the last article, if one fasts on Ekadasi while contemplating on the Lord and then performs Dwadashi worship one attains Mukti. The following story from Brahma Purana explains this.

In Avanthi city there was a chandal (person who looks after the burial ground). Though chandal he sincerely used to perform Ekadasi Vrat followed by Dwadasi worship. On one of the Ekadasis he was approached by a “Brahmarakshas” with the intention of consuming him. The chandal requested Brahmarakshas that he will be ready for him after the completion of his vrat. Brahmarakshas conceded to his request. Chandal completed his vrat and came to Brahmarakshas. On seeing him Brahmarakshas changed his mind and instead of eating him he wanted the punya accumulated by this vrat. Chandal also readily conceded to his request. Because of this act both got Mukti and reached Vaikuntha (Lord Vishnu’s abode).

The answer to the question how a chandal and Brahmarakshas could get salvation like this is explained in Brahma Purana with the help of another fable which deals with rebirths. We know that in hindu religion it is believed that there is rebirth. This Brahmarakshas was son of brahmin purohit in his last birth. The purohit was in the service of the king. Son of purohit, i.e. Brahmarakshas, became the raj-purohit after his father’s death and started performing the duties. But he was not learned well in veda-mantras and had no proper education to become purohit. Because of this he committed lot of mistakes in performing the rites and in reciting veda mantras. Due to this act he was born as a brahmarakshas in this birth. Because of punya he got from chandal, who performed Ekadasi vrat, he reached Vaikuntha.

The chandal was a well versed Brahmin, in the previous birth, who lived according to law of Vedas. He used to live by taking alms (Bhiksha). One day when he was coming back after getting alms, a herd of cows passed by which caused dust to spread in air. Due to this his Bhiksha got covered by dust. He threw that Bhiksha away. On account of this deed he was born as a chandal. Because of Brahmin profession of previous birth he had a knowledge of Ekadasi Vrat. Hence he performed that vrat with dedication in this birth and eventually attained moksha.

In this manner Brahma Purana explains lot of religious principles, the procedures of religious rites, fasts etc.

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