Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Importance of Japa and how to do it

This article is based on the lectures of great saints like Sankaracharya and Swami Chinmayanda......

The thoughts that emanate in our mind are difficult to control. This is much more experienced when we sit for contemplation (or meditation or prayer). During these acts, the mind starts wandering. Japa, that is chanting the Name of the Lord again and again, helps in controlling this wandering mind to a very great extent. 

Dhyana is nothing but seamless Japa i.e. chanting the name of Lord, also called as Namasmaran, with unwavering mind. One needs a great degree of control to perform Dhyana.

When we start our journey in Bhakti Marga, the best way to begin this journey is to start with performing Japa. We can call Japa as the stepping stone of spiritual path. Once we are able to control our mind by Japa, the path towards meditation becomes easy.

It is the long association and interaction between individuals that creates mutual love and affection among individuals. So is true when creating love and affection for God. By reciting God's Name and centering our thoughts on Him, we can have long association and interaction with Him which will eventually create mutual love and affection between us and God. Hence Japa can be considered as an act of preparing for the love of God.

Practice of Japa leads to Dhyana where one masters the art of controlling the mind at will. Hence Japa is considered to be the guide which leads to Dhyana Marga. It does not mean that the Japa is inferior to meditation or contemplation. This is explained in Bhagwad Gita.

Now we come to the common question - how to perform Japa

The right moment for starting the Japa is the time you start feeling that you want to do it. Choose a place (in your house or anywhere) where you can sit alone without any disturbance. Select a picture or idol of the God or saint whom you adore. Hang it in front of the place where you propose to sit, in such a way that the feet of the idol or the picture is at your eye level.

You sit, with leg crossed, on an "aasan" (seat) preferably a blanket or wool or a mat. Take a Japa Maal (garland) of 108 beads.

First start observing the feet of God and then slowly raise your eye till you reach the eye of the picture or idol of God. Then you start concentrating on the face till you come to a stage where you can look at the face without blinking. It may take few days to reach this stage. Now you start imagining that the God is on the right side of the heart. When you have reached this stage it means you are fit for starting the Namasmaran (Japa).

To count the beads hold the Japa Maala in right hand between the thumb and the ring finger. Choose the Naam or Mantra you want to recite and then roll the beads one after the other. When you come to the last bead (108th) known as Meru you have completed one Maala. Don’t cross the Meru bead but reverse the Japa Maala and start all over again. Starting from 1 or 2 Maala twice a day, go on increasing in stages till you reach 20 Maalas per day. In this manner you can perform the Japa. This can be achieved only after constant and regular practice. It is better to start by doing 1 or 2 Maalas a day and then slowly increase the count, rather than jumping to the higher count right at the beginning.

Also, we should stick to the time while performing Japa i.e. there should be strict discipline. 

There are two types of Mantras which are generally used in Namasmaran - namely Vedanta Mantra and Religious Mantra.

Some Vedanta Mantras are 
  1. Tat-tatvamassi
  2. Aham Brahmhassmi
  3. Iyyam Aatma Brahman


The religious chants are 
  1. OM Namo Narayana
  2. Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
  3. OM Namah Shivay


Generally these chants are given by a Guru so that they attain more power. Still, anyone can start doing the Japa on his own.

For a Mantra to kindle the fire (thought) of spiritualism, a Guru is essential. Because of his powers, Guru gives life to Mantra and ignites the flame of spiritualism which is buried in shishya. Hence it is also advisable to get the Upadesh from Guru. As Mantra helps in dhyana, upasana i.e. worship also helps in dhyana. This can be considered as idol worship (also known as Bhakti-marga). It is not important whether it is an idol or a picture but the importance lies in the thought which should be centered on the GOD.

When we perform Japa or Upasana we must pray with love, compassion and affection. At the same time mind should not wander away. The Mantra or Naam should be recited in such a way that it becomes an offering to the GOD. 

While doing meditation or Japa or dhyan, we may come across some obstacles.
  1. We may feel sleepy
  2. We may feel annoyed or angry for no reason against anyone we come across after completing the Japa or dhyan

It is necessary to guard against these obstacles.We should strive to lose the feeling of “I” or “Me” in our thoughts and actions.

In one of the next articles I will explain about which Maala to use and also the importance of seating on aasan and wearing sovala (sacred silk cloth).

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