The life is a journey through four stages – learning about life during childhood, enjoying all pleasures of life while performing family duties when young, get into practice of renouncing pleasures and live like a sage during old age and finally leaving the body while mind is surrendered to the God. Guru, the God himself, is the one who helps to make this journey through four stages smooth and effortless. If after having all pleasures of life the mind does not rest on the lotus feet of Guru the whole journey goes waste. Adi Shankaracharya, a great celibate teacher, explained importance of worship of lotus feet of Guru through his poem “Guru ashtakam” which is nothing but questions to one’s self.
I have got perfect healthy body. I have an attractive wife. I have achieved success in all fields of life and earned wealth like mountain. But after having all this if my mind does not rest on lotus feet of Guru, what’s the use of all this.
I have got all necessary things to live happy family life – wife, sons, daughters, grand-sons, grand-daughters, brothers and sisters, house, wealth, everything. But after having all this if my mind does not rest on lotus feet of Guru, what’s the use of all this.
I have gained all knowledge of Vedas as if they are all on my tongue. I can write good poems and essays. But after having all this if my mind does not rest on lotus feet of Guru, what’s the use of all this.
I have gained a respect in foreign lands. I have gained respect in my own land. I am considered as the very well behaved person. But after having all this if my mind does not rest on lotus feet of Guru, what’s the use of all this.
All great authorities from my land serve me. But after having all this if my mind does not rest on lotus feet of Guru, what’s the use of all this.
There is nothing in the world that I cannot achieve. I can get whatever I wish. But after having all this if my mind does not rest on lotus feet of Guru, what’s the use of all this.
I have developed a great reclusive attitude. I have developed distaste for all pleasures of life. I am no more interested in wealth. But even after developing such an attitude if my mind does not rest on lotus feet of Guru, what’s the use of all this.
My mind cannot rest while in forest, nor it rests in my own home, nor my mind finds interest in feeding my body. But even after getting rid of all passions if my mind does not rest on lotus feet of Guru, what’s the use of all this.
I have got all precious stones in the world and an attractive wife with whom I have enjoyed sensual pleasures so many times. But after having all that pleasure if my mind does not rest on lotus feet of Guru, what’s the use of all this.
After acquiring precious human birth one who chants this Guru ashtakam, be a Sanyasi or a householder or a king, will not only get all desires fulfilled but their minds will easily rest on Shri Guru Charan, lotus feet of Guru – the final resting abode for every human being.
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