Thursday, February 9, 2012

The most beneficial passion (aasakti) - Saipadasakti

They say that out of all passions, the most beneficial passion (aasakti) is the passion to be at the feet of Shri Saibaba i.e. serving the lotus feet of Shri Saibaba, in essence one's Sadguru. Hemadpant (author of Shri Saisatcharit) gives a very beautiful analogy for this passion by describing the scene of a cat mother suckling her kitten. Even if cat mother has suckled her kittens a short while ago, as soon as her kittens see her around they again come back to her for being fed. At first the cat mother gets angry on them and thereby the kittens also, for a moment, keep quiet out of fear. But as soon as she lies for resting, the kittens make a dash on her udder. They are unaffected by the anger of the mother as they know that it is only she and no one else (ananya – opposite of anya) who can satisfy their hunger. And the mother also knows that it is only she who can satisfy the hunger of her children. So as soon as they make a dash on her udder, out comes the milk in an unceasing flow. She forgets all her anger by seeing the utter dependence of her kitten on her and starts to satiate their hunger while licking them. She is unaffected by their eager scraping of nails on her udder, in fact the more eager their scraping, the more flows the milk. It’s really a divine scene. 

Likewise when devotees approach their Sadguru with ananya bhakti (the feeling that it is only their Sadguru  and no one else that can satisfy their desires), Sadguru  with the  same reciprocal feeling embraces the devotees and takes care of them. The surrender of a devotee unto the lotus feet of their Sadguru has to be complete, their devotion pure (anaasakt), similar to the utter and causeless dependence of a baby upon their caretaker. Any contamination in the degree of surrenderness or to put it different words - any trace of ego - dilutes the experience.

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