Thursday, September 29, 2022

स्तोत्र श्रवण-पठण - सुरक्षा आणि उद्धाराचा सुलभ उपाय

 देवांच्या कार्यासाठी जाण । जगदंबा होतसे उत्पन्न । एरव्हीं तरी जन्म-मरण । नाही नाही तियेसी ।।
इच्छामात्रें सर्व संहारीत । परी गुणानुवाद व्हावा निश्चित ।
आपुला या सर्व जगतांत । म्हणोनि उत्पन्न होतसे ।।
गुणांचे जें श्रवण-पठण । तेणें उद्धरती सर्व जन । म्हणोनि होतसे उत्पन्न । योगनिद्रा हरीची ।।

- श्री देवी माहात्म्य अध्याय १ 

"स्तुवन्ति त्रायते इति स्तोत्रः" अशी स्तोत्राची व्याख्या आहे. ज्या स्तुतीमुळे आपलं रक्षण होतं, उद्धार होतो, त्याला स्तोत्र म्हणतात. श्री देवीला एरव्ही जन्म-मरण नाही. पण आपल्या परम कारुण्य भावनेनी ती जनांच्या उद्धारासाठी दैवी अवतार घेते आणि तिच्या दैवीलीला बघून जनं तिची स्तुती करतात आणि ह्या स्तुतीमुळे जनांचा उद्धार होतो, रक्षण होतं. म्हणूनच अशा स्तुतीला स्तोत्र म्हणलं जातं.  

श्री देवीमाहात्म्याला श्री देवीचं महास्तोत्र असं पण म्हणतात. स्तोत्रामध्ये गुणानुवाद असतो. स्तोत्रामध्ये किंवा शेवटी फलश्रुती असते ज्यामध्ये स्तोत्र श्रवण-पठणाने काय फळं मिळतात त्याचं वर्णन असतं. 

स्तोत्र श्रवण-पठणाची काही महत्वाची फळं म्हणजे वाणीशुद्धी, मनाची एकाग्रता, आत्मविश्वासाची वृद्धी. आणि ह्या फळांच्या प्राप्तीमुळेच नियमित स्तोत्र श्रवण-पठण करणाऱ्यांचं आपोआपच रक्षण होतं आणि उद्धार होतो. स्तोत्र श्रवण-पठणासाठी सर्वात महत्वाचं काय तर शुद्ध भाव. स्तोत्र पठणासाठी खूप वेळेची पण गरज नाही. इच्छा आणि भाव असेल तर कुठल्याही दैनंदिन कर्तव्यामध्ये बाधा न आणता आपण हे करू शकतो. किंबहुना असंच करायला पाहिजे तरच आपण आपल्या जिवलगांना, आपल्या मुलांना पण आपण ह्या श्रवण-पठणामध्ये प्रोत्साहित करू शकू आणि त्यांना पण ह्या श्रवण-पठणामुळे मिळणाऱ्या रक्षणाचा अनुभव करून देऊ शकू. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

नवरात्रीतील देवीमाहात्म्य पठण

देवी म्हणे देवांलागून । जो एकाग्रचित्त होऊन । नित्य हें माहात्म्य पठण करून । तोषवील मजलागीं ।।
तयाच्या सकल बाधेत । नि:संशय स्वयें नाशितें । इहपरत्रीं सौख्य त्यातें । देऊनियां तोषवीन ।। 
                                    - देवीमाहात्म्य अध्याय १२ 

देव आणि असुर ह्यामध्ये ज्या ज्या वेळी युद्ध झाले आहे त्यावेळी देवीने देवांना वेगवेगळे अवतार घेऊन रक्षिले आहे. प्रत्येक मानवामध्ये दैवी आणि राक्षसी वृत्ती नांदत असतात. ह्या दैवी आणि असुरी वृत्तींमध्ये कायम युद्ध चालू असते. जेव्हा असुरी वृत्तींचा प्रादुर्भाव होतो अर्थात असुरी वृत्ती जेव्हा दैवी वृत्तींपेक्षा वरचढ होतात तेव्हा मानवाचा अहंकार, अभिमान जागृत होऊन त्यामुळे निर्माण होणाऱ्या क्लेश, दुःख अशा निराशाजनक भावनांतुन त्याला जायला लागतं. अशावेळी पूर्वपुण्याईने जर देवीमाहात्म्य वाचायची बुद्धी होऊन एकाग्रचित्ताने ह्या माहात्म्याचं पठण केल्यास त्या मानवाच्या असुरी वृत्तींचा नाश करून त्यास सौख्याचा अनुभव करून देईन असे स्वतः देवीनेच आश्वासन दिले आहे. 

देवीमाहात्म्याचं पठण कसं करावं? देवीमाहात्म्य संस्कृत मध्ये आहे तसेच प्राकृत म्हणजेच मराठी भाषेत पण आहे. संस्कृत भाषेतल्या देवीमाहात्म्याचे पठण करण्याच्या बाबतीत अनेक नियम आहेत ज्यात कुमारीपूजनाचाही भाग येतो. पण सर्वसाधारण भक्तांना हे नियम पाळणे शक्य नाही म्हणून श्री राम वर्णेकर ह्यांनी अत्यंत निस्वार्थी भावाने मराठी भाषेत देवीमाहात्म्य लिहिले ज्याच्या पठणाचे नियम सुलभ आणि सुकर आहेत. 

मराठी भाषेतले देवीमाहात्म्य पठण सुरु करण्याआधी श्री चंडीकवच, श्री अर्गलास्तोत्र आणि श्री कीलकस्तोत्र ह्यांचं पठण करावं आणि नंतर नऊ दिवसात १६ अध्यायांचं पठण करावं ते असं  १) तीन स्तोत्रे आणि अध्याय १  २) अध्याय २ व ३ ३) अध्याय ४ व ५ ४) अध्याय ६ व ७ ५) अध्याय ८ व ९ ६) अध्याय १० व ११ ७) अध्याय १२ ८) अध्याय १३ व १४ ९) अध्याय १५ व १६. प्रत्येक दिवशी शक्य असल्यास दुपारी १२ च्या आत त्या दिवसाचं पठण संपवावं. आणि १६ अध्यायांचं पठण पूर्ण झाल्यावर श्री शंकराचार्यकृत देवीअपराधक्षमापन स्तोत्र म्हणून देवीची क्षमा मागावी.   

Sunday, September 25, 2022

महालय अमावास्येचं महत्व

अमावस्या म्हणजे काय? जेव्हा सूर्य आणि चन्द्र हे एकत्र येतात त्या तिथीला अमावस्या असं म्हणतात. जन्मकुंडलीमध्ये सूर्य आणि चंद्र ग्रहांच्या स्थानाला फार महत्व आहे. कुंडलीवरून ज्योतिष फळ सांगताना ह्या ग्रहांच्या स्थानांना खूप महत्व दिलं जातं. सूर्य हा पितृकारक किंवा आत्मकारक समजला जातो तर चंद्र ग्रह मातृकारक किंवा मनोकारक समजला जातो. 

अमावास्येला तिलांजली देऊन पितरांना प्रसन्न करणे हा हिंदू शास्त्राप्रमाणे एक संस्कार आहे. गृहस्थाश्रमातल्या माणसाला देव, ऋषी, बुध आणि पितृ ह्यांचे संस्कार सांगितले आहेत. गृहस्थाने ह्या चार विषयींची म्हणजेच देव, ऋषी, कुलदैवत, जिवलग कुटुंब/ नातलग आणि पितरांबद्दलची कर्तव्ये काटेकोरपणे पार पाडावीत. ह्या कर्तव्यांमध्ये पितृ कर्तव्य हे सर्वात महत्वाचे आहे. एक वेळ देवाच्या उपासनेमध्ये कमी जास्त झालं तरी ठीक आहे. पण पितरांसाठीच्या कर्तव्यामध्ये कधीही खंड पडू देऊ नये. पितरांसाठीची श्राद्ध कर्म केल्या मुळे पितंरं प्रसन्न होतात आणि ते आपल्या वंशजांना आशीर्वाद देतात ज्यामुळे वंशजांचं आयुष्य सुरळीत होण्यास मदत होते. श्राद्ध कर्मांमध्ये जेव्हा खंड पडतो तेव्हा पितृदोष निर्माण होतो आणि पितृदोषामुळे वंशजांना खूप कष्ट सहन करावयास लागतात. पितृदोषाची काही ठळक लक्षणं म्हणजे विवाह ठरण्यामध्ये विलंब होणे, वैवाहिक जीवन विस्कळीत होऊन कुटुंबामध्ये सतत कलह असणे, नोकरी किंवा व्यवसायामध्ये सतत अडचणी येऊन वृद्धी न होणे, अपत्यप्राप्ती न होणे. ह्या अडचणींना आपल्याला सामोरं जावं लागत असेल तर आपल्याला पितृदोष आहे असं समजावं. ह्या दोषांचा परिहार होण्यासाठी पितृपूजा करावी. 

पितृपूजांमधली सर्वात सोपी पूजा म्हणजे अमावास्येला पितरांना तिलांजली देणे म्हणजेच तीळ आणि पाणी वापरून तर्पण करणे. ह्या पूजेला आपल्याला फार खर्च करायला लागत नाही.

सर्व अमावास्यांमध्ये तीन अमावस्या महत्वाच्या आहेत. दक्षिणायन सुरु होण्याआधीची अमावस्या, उत्तरायण सुरू होण्याआधीची अमावस्या आणि ह्या दोघांमधली म्हणजेच महालय अमावस्या. आणि ह्या तीन अमावास्यांमध्ये महालय अमावास्येचं महत्व सर्वात जास्त आहे. ह्या दिवशीची पितृपूजा कधीही विसरू नये. 

पितृपूजा कोणी करावी, कशी करावी, काही नियम आणि बंधनं 

ज्यांचे माता पिता दिवंगत झाले अशा स्त्री पुरुषांनी पितृपूजा करावी. पुरुषांनी अमावास्येला तीळ आणि पाणी वापरून पितरांना तर्पण करणे (तिलांजली) ही सर्वात सोपी आणि परिणामकारक पूजा आहे. ज्या स्त्रियांना मूल नाहीये आणि ज्यांचे माता पिता दिवंगत झाले आहेत त्यांनी अमावास्येला दिवसभरात व्रत करावं (सूर्यास्तापर्यंत उपवास करावा), एक पान वाढून बाहेर कावळ्यासाठी ठेवावं किंवा आपल्या पेक्षा वयस्कर जे असतील त्यांना जेवण घालावं, देवळात दान द्यावं आणि व्रताच्या शेवटी घरातल्या देवासमोर किंवा देवळात दिवा लावावा. 

दर अमावास्येला कावळा किंवा गायीला घास देणे अशी पण पितृपूजेची पद्धत आहे. 

पितृपूजा आपल्या घरातली देवपूजा करण्याआधी करावी. पितृपूजा करण्याआधी गंगा आणि यमुना नद्यांचं स्मरण करावं. आपल्या पित्याच्या बाजूच्या तीन पिढ्या आणि मातेच्या बाजूच्या तीन पिढ्या ह्यांची नावांची यादी जवळ ठेवावी. संकल्पासाठी आपल्या गोत्राची नोंद करावी. आपलं गोत्र माहित नसल्यास नात्यांचा उच्चार करावा. तर्पण केल्यानंतर घरी किंवा देवळात जाऊन दिवा लावावा. तर्पण केलेलं पाणी जवळपास असलेल्या पाण्यामध्ये विसर्जन करावं आणि ब्राह्मणाला दक्षिणा द्यावी. 

हि पूजा आपण कुठेही करू शकतो. म्हणजे आपल्या घरी पण करू शकतो. शक्य असल्यास हि पूजा नदी काठी, समुद्राकाठी, किंवा रामेश्वरम, काशी, गया, इलाहाबाद, थिरुवेंगाडू ह्या पवित्र ठिकाणी करावी. पण ते जमत नसल्यास हि पूजा घरी केली तरी पण चालते.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Shri Someshwarar and Shri Thenarmozhiammai kovil

This is the 2nd Shiva temple associated with Mahamagam festival. This is the place where the string (uri in Tamil) which held the kalash fell and later on became a Shiva linga. The temple is more than 1500 years old and its located in the Kumbhakonam city to the south of Sarangapaani temple. Shri Someshwarar is one of the Padal Petra sthalam located on the southern bank of Kaveri, on the eastern side of Pattramaraikullam. This temple was revered by the Shaiva saint Sambandar.

Moolavar: Shri Someshwarar, Kayarohanar, Vyaah, Shri Sikkesar 

Devi: Shri Thenarmozhiyal, Shri Somasundari

Sacred Teertha: Mahamaham tank, Potramarai tank, Somateertha

Kshetra Vruksha: Bilva

This is an East facing temple with a five tiered Rajagopuram. It has a single parikrama with three entrances. Facing the sanctum we have Dhwajastambha, Balipeeth and Nandi deva in their usual position. Sanctum sanctorum consists of three parts namely Sanctum, Antarala and Arthamandap. The Shiva linga is swayambhoo linga. The Bana (top cylindrical portion of the linga) is a special type known as Narmada Bana. We come across the koshtamoorthys Shri Vinayaka, Shri Dakshinamoorthy, Shri Ardhanarishwarar, Shri Brahma, Goddess Durga in their usual positions. There are eight sculptures on the sanctum wall in worshiping position. In the parikrama we have the idols of Nalvar, Shri Bhairavar, Shri Shanishwarar, Shri Navgrahas and Shri Surya. Devis housed in a separate shrine. Near her shrine in a separate shrine we come across idol of Shri Sambandhar. Shri Somakandhar is in the inner mandap. In a separate shrine, we come across Shri Nataraja and Goddess Shivakaami. Shri Nataraja is also addressed as Kananattam Udayar. Shri Ganesha is housed in a separate shrine and he is known as Kalyanasundar Vinayaka. Shri Muruga is in a separate shrine with his consorts Shri Valli and Shri Deivanai. His idol is unique as he is seated on a peacock, has six faces and twelve hands but is wearing a paada-raksha on one foot. Saint Arunagirinathar has praised Shri Muruga at this place. At the main entrance to the temple, there is a shrine housing Shri Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Here they are addressed as Shri Maleesar and Shri Mangalanayaki. There is a separate Shrine for Shri Chozheeshwarar along with Goddess Tripurasundari. 

Special features: 

Karonam: When the navakarnikas (nine sacred rivers) came to Mahamagam tank for taking bath and absolving themselves from the sins there was chaos all around. At that time out of fear Goddess Parvati, embraced Shri Shiva. Hence this place came to be known as Shri Kaya-arohanam (Kaya means body, Arohanam means embraced). Hence Shri Shiva is known as Kaya-rohanar. The name of the place later on changed to Karonam. 

Somesham: Shri Soma (Chandra) came and worshiped Shri Shiva at this place to get rid of the curse given by Brihaspati (i.e. Guru). He dug a tank for that purpose. Hence the place is known as Somesham and the tank was known as Somateertha which does not exist now. 

Vyaah-someshwarar: Shri Jupiter (Guru/ Brihaspati) worshiped Shri Someshwarar. Hence Shri Shiva is addressed as Vyaah-someshwarar (Vyaahan in Tamil means Thursday or Guru)

Shri Chozheeshwarar: The Chola king – Paranthaka Chola worshiped Shri Shiva and Goddess Tripurasundari at this place. Hence Shri Shiva is known as Shri Chozheeshwarar

Maleesar: Shri Vishnu is known as Mal. He worshiped Shri Shiva at this place for a year to receive boon for destroying the demons. Hence Shri Shiva is addressed as Maleesar. 

Kumbhakonam is considered more holier than Kashi. 

When you enter from North entrance we can have darshan of Shri Someshwarar and Shri Someshwari. This means that even if you enter from any of the three entrances we can have darshan of both Lord and the Goddess. 

Kananattam Udayar: Shri Nataraja and Shivagami are in separate shrine. Kananattam Udayar name of Shri Natraja means if a visitor to the temple goes out without visiting him, the loss is for the visitor, not for Shri Nataraja. He bestows his devotees with boon of prosperity in business and service. 

If one worships Kalyansundar Vinayaka for 11 Mondays, marriage obstacles are removed. 

Kshetra purana: It is attached to Mahamagam tank, Mahamagam festival and the pralay.


Almost all festivals similar to other Shiva mandirs.

Maasi (Feb-March): Maasimagam Brahmotsav on a huge scale. Ashwini nakshatra, flag hoisting indicating beginning of festival. 8th day special pooja for Lord and Devi. 9th day Chariot festival; 10th day festival – procession of panchamoorthis on peacock, mooshaka and rishabha.

Panguni (March-April): Float festival. 

Chitrai (April-May): Saptasthanam festival

Vaikaasi (May-June): Tirukalyanam (wedding festival) 

Ani (June-July): Thirumanjanum

Aadi (July-August): 18th day festival, festival on nakshatra Puram

Temple timings: 6.30am to 12.30pm; 4pm to 8pm.

Courtesy: Following sites and

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Shri Aadikumbheshwarar temple

This temple is one of the temples connected with Mahamaga festival. It is situated in the heart of Kumbhakonam city. This is one of the Padal Petra Sthalam on the southern bank of river Kaveri. This is a East facing temple with three parikramas. The temple has a nine-tiered Rajagopuram. The temple is more than 1500 years old. The Shaiva saints Appar and Sambandar have sung hymns about this temple. The temple is one of the 51 Shaktipeethas. Shri Mangalambika Devi is addressed here as Shri Mantrapeetheshwari. This is the place where the Amruta Kalasha reached finally during the pralaya. 

Mulavar: Shri Kumbheswarar, Shri Amrudeshwarar, Shri Kuzhajar 
Devi (Consort): Shri Mangalambigai and Shri Mantrapeetheshwari.
Sacred teertha: Mahamagam tank, Potramarai kulam (well) and twelve other teerthas, Kaveri river
Kshetra Vriksha: Shami (Vanni in Tamil)

According to Kshetra purana, the Nava-kumarikas (nine rivers) who take bath in the Mahamagam tank, also take bath in the Putramarai kulam. 

The Shiva Linga in this temple is believed to have been made by Shri Shiva Himself after the pralaya i.e. at the beginning of new Yuga. He made this Linga by mixing sand, nectar and broken pieces of the kalash. This Shiva linga is in the same shape as a pot i.e. broad at the bottom and needle shape as it rises. This peetham is also a Vishnu shakti peeth. As Shri Shiva was responsible for protecting the seeds (beej) for creation by keeping it in a kumbha, He is known as Shri Kumbheshwarar.

Other deities and shrines

As we enter through the Rajagopuram, we come across balipeeth, dhwaja stambha and Nandi. In the first prakara, we come across the idols of 63 Nayanmars, Sapta-Matrikas, Kamadhenu and Bhava linga, Sarva linga, Eshana linga, Pashupathi linga, Rudra linga, Ugra linga, Bheem linga and Maha linga. 


Shri Dakshinamoorthy, Shri Bhairava, Shri Vishnu, Shri Chandikeshwarar in their usual positions. In the same parikrama, we come across idols of Shri Vinayaka, Shri Muruga, Shri Gajalakshmi, Shri Nataraja, Shri Somaskanda, Shri Keeratmoorthy, Shri Nalawar, Shri Veerabhadra, Shri Kashi-Vishwanath and Shri Vishalakshi, Shri Saraswati and Shri Jesthadevi. In this corridor, we come across a Ganesha idol known as Shri Valam Chuzhi Vinayaka whose trunk is curved towards the right. We also come across Shri Bhikshadanar, Akshaya linga, Sahasra linga, Shri Annapurni and Shri Mahalakshmi. When we enter 2nd prakaram, we come across the shrine of Goddess Parvati. We also come across the Shayana graha. In the 2nd corridor, there are idols of Shri Sattainathar, Shri Chandra, Shri Surya, Shri Vallabha-Ganesha, Shri Lakshmi-Narayan, Shri Vanni-Vinayaka, Shri Kumbh muni siddha. The idols of Shri Ashtabhuja Durga Devi, Shri Navaneet Vinayaka, Shri Kala-Bhairva, Shri Jwarakeshwarar, Shri Shasta, Shri Mahan Govind Dikshidar and Shri Nagambal. 

Special features:

In this temple the prakaram is designed in such a way that when we do pradakshina in the prakaram, we do pradakshina of both – Shri Shiva and Shri Mangalambika Devi together. This is in keeping up with purana in which Shri Ganesha went around the parents in order to go around the Universe. Hence it indicates that, the pradakshina of the parents is equivalent to doing pradakshina of the whole world i.e. they are everything that is in the world. 

As the Shiva Linga is made of sand there is no Abhisheka for the Shiva Linga. They apply, only punugu (civet – a cent) once in while. As the Shiva linga is very huge it is known as Mahalingam and it is inclined to one side. Abhishek is performed only to the base of Shiva Linga. There is a sculpture of a lion in the Navaratri mandap which is very unique.  People take a dip in the Mahamagam tank before taking bath in the Putramarai kulam.

Shri Mangalambika Devi is dressed in a yellow silk saree and her face is smeared with yellow turmeric paste and she has tilak of red vermillion (kunku). Shri Mangalanayaki is also known as Shri Mantrapeetheshwari. There is a separate shrine for Shri Keeratmoorthy and special abhishek is done in the evenings for Shri Mangalambika Devi. We come across Shri Muruga, seated on his mount peacock along with his consorts, Shri Valli and Shri Deivanai. He has six faces but has only 6 hands instead of twelve. 

There are fourteen holy teerthas associated with this temple namely – Mahamagam tank, Putramarai tank, Varun teertha, Kashyap teertha, Chakra teertha, Matanga teertha, Bhagawat teertha, Mangala teertha, Naag teertha, Kura teertha, Chandra teertha, Surya teertha, Gautam teertha and Varaha teertha. In this temple complex, there is one unfinished gopuram (knowing in Tamil as Mottaigopuram). The temple is sacred in all the three forms namely, Moorthy, Kshetra and Teertha. 

In the Navaratra mandap, 27 constellations and 12 zodiac signs are sculptured in one stone. There is a piped instrument known as Nadaswaram which is made of stone. 

It is to be noted that Shri Ganesha came here ahead of his parents. 

Shri Muruga got his mantra upadesha from his mother at this place. 


Almost all festivals similar to other Shiva mandirs.

Maasi (Feb-March): Maasimagam Brahmotsav on a huge scale. Ashwini nakshatra, flag hoisting indicating beginning of festival. 8th day special pooja for Lord and Devi. 9th day Chariot festival; 10th day festival – procession of panchamoorthis on peacock, mooshaka and rishabha.

Panguni (March-April): Float festival. 

Chitrai (April-May): Saptasthanam festival

Vaikaasi (May-June): Thirukalyanam (wedding festival) 

Ani (June-July): Thirumanjanam

Aadi (July-August): 18th day festival, festival on nakshatra Puram

Courtesy: Following sites and

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Religious significance of Kumbhakonam

Mahamagam tank and its religious significance

This tank is at the center of the town and covers an area of 6 acres and has 16 entrances. There is a Lord Shiva shrine at each of these entrances. These shrines are collectively known as Shodasha-Mahalinga Swami. 

These 16 shrines are as follows:
  • Brahmateertheswarar
  • Mukudhteertheswarar
  • Thaneshwarar
  • Vrishabheshwarar
  • Baaneshwarar
  • Koneshwarar
  • Bhaktikeshwarar
  • Bhairaveshwarar
  • Agastishwarar
  • Vyaseshwarar
  • Uma-Maheshwarar
  • Niruktishwarar
  • Brahmeshwarar
  • Gangadeshwarar
  • Muktishwarar
  • Kshetrapaleshwarar

Mahamagam teertham was known as: 
Brahma teertha in Krita yuga; Papanodam during Treta yuga; Mukti teertha in Dwapara yuga and it is known as Kanya teertha in Kali yuga.
It is believed that there are 20 teerthas in the Mahamagam tank dedicated to Indra, Agni, Naag, Tirutti, Varuna, Vaayu, Kubera, Eshanya, Brahma, Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Narmada, Saraswati, Kaveri, Kumari, Biyoshini, Sharayu, Kanya & Deva.

When the kalash was broken by the arrow from Lord Shiva, the Amrut spread in all directions at that place and wherever it got stagnated, they became sacred teerthas. Amongst all these teerthas, the most important one is the Mahamagam tank. The importance of this can be understood by the fact that this was the creation of Lord Shiva and that too with Amrut. It is believed that the nectar from the kalash also got spilled into a golden lotus (potramarai in Tamil) tank during the pralay. Lord Brahma himself decided that the Tamil month of Maasi to be the best month for the darshan of Kumbheshwarar. Hence he is considered as the architect of starting the Maasi Maga festival. In the month of Maasi, on the day of Ashwini nakshatra in Shukla Paksha, the Maga festival was started by Him and it continued for the next ten days till the nakshatra of Maga. And it was started in the teertha in the agneya direction. This is the puran associated with Mahamaga tank and Mahamaga festival. According to the astronomy this is the day on which planet Jupiter is in the Simha raas (this happens once in twelve years) on the Maga nakshatra and full moon day with Sun in the Aquarius is considered as the auspicious Mahamaga day. As this comes once in twelve years, lakhs of people congregate towards Kumbhakonam and take bath that with the feeling that they will not have rebirth and wash all their sins at the same time. The festival is held for ten days. Twelve temples mentioned earlier are associated with this festival. The twelve temples are 
  • Kaashivishwanathar temple, Kumbhakonam
  • Aadikumbeshawrar temple, Kumbhakonam
  • Someshwarar temple, Kumbhakonam
  • Naageshwarar (Bilva-vaneshwarar) temple, Kumbhakonam
  • Kaalhastishawarar temple, Kumbhakonam
  • Gautameshwar (Upaveeth nathar), Kumbhakonam
  • Koteeshawarar temple, Kottaiyur
  • Amrutkalashnathar temple, Sakkottai
  • Baanapurishawar temple, Kumbhakonam
  • Aapimukeshwarar temple, Kumbhakonam
  • Aadikampattanathar temple, Kumbhakonam
  • Ekambareshwarar temple, Kumbhakonam

At the same time five Vaishnava temples in Kumbhakonam also participate in the festival. This festival is held in the river Kaveri instead of Mahamagam tank. The five Vaishnava temples are 
  • Shri Sarangapaani temple
  • Shri Chakrapaani temple
  • Shri Ramaswami temple
  • Shri Rajagopalaswami temple
  • Shri Aadivarah Perumal temple

There are seven temples associated with Aadikumbeshwarar temple and are together known as Saptasthanam temples of Kumbhakonam. They are:

  • Shri Aadikumbeshwarar temple, Kumbhakonam
  • Shri Amritkalashnathar temple, Sakkottai
  • Shri Aavudayanathar temple, Darasuram
  • Shri Kapartheeseshawarar temple, Thiruvalanchuri
  • Shri Murugan temple, Swamimalai
  • Shri Kailashnathar temple, Malakkaveri
  • Shri Kotteeshwarar temple, Sakkottai

There are five temples associated with Kumbhakonam which are known as Panchakroshi stalams. 

  • Shri Mahalingaswaminathar temple at Thiruvidai Maruthur
  • Shri Sundareshwarar Shiva temple and Pettikaliamman Kovil at Koranattu Karuppur
  • Shri Naganathswami temple at Thirunageshwaram
  • Shri Swamimalai Murugan (Meenakshi-Sundareshwarar) temple
  • Shri Airavateshwarar temple at Darasuram

According to Puran, the Nava-Karnikaas take a dip in the golden lotus tank and bathe in Mahamaga tank during the Mahamaga festival (the main day). According to Puran, once the Nava-Karnikaas (rivers) namely Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Saraswati, Godavari, Kaveri (Ponni), Bayohinni, Sharayu and Kanyakumari did penance towards Lord Shiva requesting Him to remove all the sins that the human beings leave in them and they are unable to bear the weight of these sins left behind by the human beings. They wanted a remedy by which they can get rid of these sins and become pure. Lord Shiva made them aware about a sacred teertha at Kumbhakonam known as Mahamaga tank for which Lord Bramha was responsible and advised them to take bath once in twelve years on the day decided by Lord Brahma to get rid of these sins. The nava-karnikaas first stayed at Kashi and then came to Kumbhakonam and took bath as per directions by Lord Shiva. But they were so enchanted by the teertha, that they were unable to leave the place and hence they stayed inside the tank as nine more teerthas. Besides these nine, there are eleven more teerthas created by the sages and the Gods so that there are total twenty sacred teerthas in the Mahamaga tank. From this we can understand the importance of the Mahamaga tank and festival. 

Another important feature from the puran is that Goddess Parvati came to help Lord Shiva when he was preparing the Shiva Linga and poured water and Amrut while mixing the mud. Hence this particular place gets more importance due to the presence of Lord Kumbheswarar and Goddess Mangalambika. 
Lord Shiva shared half of his body with Goddess Parvati thereby he gave half of his 72 crores of Mantra shakti i.e. 36 crores of Mantra shakti to Her. Hence She is addressed here as Mantrapeeteshwari. Hence this place is also considered as one of the Shaktipeethas. 

Lord Vinayaka arrived here well before Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva. Hence he is known as Aadivinayaka. 

Lord Kartikeya 
Lord Kartikeya received mantra upadesha from His mother, Goddess Parvati at this place before going to war with demon Surapadman.

Conical shape Linga
The Shiva Linga at this place made by Lord Shiva is formless. It is broad at the base (aavudaiyar) and the top is needle shaped i.e. conical in shape at the top. 

One of the 63 nayanmaars is believed to have offered food to the devotees before attaining salvation. 

Lord Vishnu worshipped Lord Shiva at this place and obtained the disc (Chakra). Hence he is known as Chakrapaani. He also obtained a sarang (bow). Hence he is known as Sarangpaani.

Lord Brahma, Lord Indra, Kamadhenu, Sage Kashyap and Hemarishi worshipped Lord Shiva at this place.